Our Objectives


To empower women and female children with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to actively engage in peacebuilding activities and conflict resolution processes.


To raise awareness about the root causes of conflict, promote dialogue, and facilitate community-based peace education initiatives aimed at fostering a culture of peace and tolerance.


To advocate for the rights and welfare of women, promote gender equality, and amplify the voices of women in matters of peace, justice, and social development


To provide capacity-building opportunities for women leaders, activists, and community members involved in peacebuilding efforts.


In the heart of Nigeria’s vibrant and culturally rich Yoruba communities, a beacon of hope and empowerment shines brightly—the Yoruba Women for Peace Foundation. Founded on the principles of unity, justice, and social harmony, our organization stands as a testament to the unwavering strength and resilience of Yoruba women in promoting peace and fostering development.


At the core of our mission lies a deep commitment to nurturing peaceful coexistence and reconciliation within Yoruba communities and beyond. We recognize the pivotal role that women play as agents of positive change and catalysts for social transformation. Guided by this understanding, we harness the collective power and wisdom of Yoruba women to address the root causes of conflict, promote dialogue, and build bridges of understanding across diverse groups.

Our Areas of supports and donations

Gender-Based Violence Prevention

mrs. ajoke odesanya

An acid bath victim resident in Ibadan needs financial help to undego a series of plastic surgery to have a new lease of life since the unfortunate incident happened to her in 2015

If you would like to support us financially

The Yoruba Women for Peace Foundation serves as a platform for women from all walks of life to come together, amplify their voices, and advocate for peace, justice, and gender equality. Through collaborative efforts, dialogue sessions, and community engagement initiatives, we strive to create a conducive environment for peaceful resolution of conflicts, fostering a culture of tolerance, empathy, and respect.

Contact us

Oluyole Extension, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.


Call us : +234 8185020064


Write us : info@yowopef.org